Separate Data Collection And Processing
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Do you remember this little numerical "machine" from the ground school?
It shows the kids an operation, like multiplying numbers by 2. It is actually a function with input and output values, and it seems to be a basic element of programming too.
Now let's take look at how we write our programs today. Every arrow on the image is a data flow between the components:
Can you find the little machine in this image? No, you cannot, because it is not there. On the UML image, it should look like this—with only one arrow:
Why is it a problem? What's wrong with our code above? There are more issues:
The components do not have clean input and output data. Instead, they can read and write the database anytime. Or, they can ask other components to provide more data in any step of the processing.
This also means that the data, which is processed, is never complete. It is never finished, so it is always unreliable.
Sometimes, components really don't have a clear return point, so they cannot return their output data. Instead, they pass their results forward to other components.
I call it the never-ending chain antipattern. See Class3
to Class6
on the image as an example.
The single responsibility principle seems to be broken as well. All classes do at least two different things:
collect the data
process the data
These activities are usually mixed within methods. Each method may collect and process the data. So even the methods breach the SRP.
To fix the architecture, we should clearly separate the two steps:
collect the data first
then process it
Of course, each part may consist of more steps, i.e. more classes. In this case, the classes should be designed as a function, with clear input and output. See the Sub-steps image.
In other situations, there may be more big steps of processing, where the output of one step is the input of the next step. In other words, we can have more processors. They should be implemented as functions too. See the Multiple image.
The separation of the collection and the processing aims also the separation when the data is written and when it is only read:
Collection: Write-only
Processing: Read-only
Of course, the processing step will create its own output data, and that is in the write-only phase in the processor.
The next thing we need to do besides the separation is to design the input and output data structures for each step. For this, we should create data transfer objects (DTOs).
See more in the next chapter, how to create data structures.