Nulls and Validity Checks
Avoid NullPointerExceptions (NPE)
Check at the beginning - Unhappy path, Happy path
Consider using helper methods
Check each object which is de-referenced in the method - and only these ones
Example: Bad: Null check at the wrong place
Example: Good: Null check always and only when dereferencing
Defensive Programming
Also known as Secure Programming. A larger topic, but some elements:
Never trust data coming from outside - user input, external systems
Fail early, Fail clean
Create and use immutable types
Do not modify a data through getters
Prevent it if possible - unmodifiable collections
Create and use immutable types
Example: Bad: Unclear validity check
Example: Good: Validity check at the beginning
Do not pass explicitly null - it is a "cheating", _allow it with an overloaded method
Unit Test of Inputs
Unit test will nulls and empty values in all possible ways
null object
entire collection or array is null
collection or array element is null
Error Handling
Do not return null - rather throw exception
Things must not be multiplied beyond necessity. The simplest solution is the best. (Occam’s Razor)
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